3 Easy Ways to Build Your Email List

Your email list is one of the most important tools you have as a business owner.

Why? Because it gives you direct access to your targeted audience.

It allows for you to contact them directly. To engage with them, nurture them and even sell to them.

Want to learn more about why this is important? Check out last week’s blog Why Your Email List is Key to your Sales.

If you’re ready to learn how to build your email list, then stick around.

The easiest way to gain email subscribers is to offer them something for free in exchange for their email address.

You can’t deny that people love getting things for free. Especially if what your offering is of value.

If you’re an online business, the easiest way to do this is via a discount, PDF, guide, book, sample, product, etc.

Your audience will see their email address as a small price to pay in exchange for something of value. Especially if you reassure them that they can unsubscribe at any time.

Don’t be afraid of this though, if your product is truly of value, then they won’t want to unsubscribe.

So, let’s get started, here are 3 quick and easy ways to build your email list.

1 - Use a pop-up form on your website

Using a pop-up form on your website to draw your audience’s attention, is a great way to quickly build your email list. While some viewers may find it annoying, if you time it correctly, your audience will be more inclined to accept.

Use a relevant eye-catching headline, be clear and concise with the description provided, and make sure you use a very easy-to-use form, with only simple relevant information.

You just want your subscribers name and email address, you don’t need their phone number or home address or any other detail, unless absolutely necessary (for most businesses it isn’t), it’s irrelevant and a very quick way to have them reject your pop-up.

Keep it simple.

According to studies done by MailChimp - people who use their services find that after they use a pop-up on their own webpage, there is a 50.8% increase in their email list growth.

And that’s just from adding a pop-up.

If you’re not doing so, your missing out in a really big way, and it only takes a few minutes to set up.

2 - Use a CTA on your blog and landing page

If your audience has received value from reading your blog or landing page, they are more inclined to want to read more or stay updated when more content becomes available.

By adding a CTA on your blog or webpage you increase this likely hood tenfold.

One of the easiest ways to get more subscribers is simply to ask them to subscribe. There are many ways to do this to increase the likeliness of them taking action, and this is through the use of CTA’s (Call To Actions).

Want to learn more about how to write compelling CTA’s?

Check out my blog How to Write Powerful CTA’s where you can learn exactly how to do so.

3 - Use your social media account

Your social media account is hands down one of the best ways to gain email subscribers.

Use your social media to advertise your content and provide a draw card. Offer newsletters, freebies, coupons, discounts, free spins (gamification), etc. You can also use paid advertisement, giveaways and even contests.

Or if you’ve already established a large following, and developed a connection with them, just ask them to sign up to your email subscription account, it really can be that simple sometimes.

These rules apply to all of your social media accounts.

So if you’re serious about building your email list, these three tips are a great way to get you started.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

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Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


Where is Your Audience Hiding?


Why Your Email List is Key to Your Sales