Why Your Email List is Key to Your Sales
As a business owner, did you know one of the most important assets you can own is an email list. As it gives you direct access to your targeted audience.
After all, they signed up to your mailing list for a reason, use it. If you’re not using it then you’re missing out in a big way.
Email is great for:
If you are an online business, or rely heavily on online interaction to make your profit. Then engaging with your audience via email is one of the most important interactions you have.
Because at the end of the day your email list is the only thing you own.
Your website and social media rely on a hosted platform. If for what ever reason those platforms stopped working or changed their algorithms how would you access your market or audience?
Your sales would likely take a plummet.
…this has happened in the past, so there is always the possibility of it happening again.
What if you’re a content creator on YouTube, Tik Tok or Instagram and you get banned or deleted. You’d have to start again from scratch, how would you do it? How could you get your audience back? Your buisness? Your market? And ultimately your profits back?
The answer is your email list.
With an email list, if one of the above situations happened, you could send out an email to your entire audience, alerting them to what happened and ask them to follow your new account, and within a few hours you could have your entire following back on social media. Problem solved. If you don’t have an email list, it could take months or even years to get back to where you were, if at all.
There is no better way to ensure you get directly in front of your audience then by emailing them and your email audience is 100% your target market. They willingly gave you their email address for one reason or another, use it. Whether they are your current market audience or past audience, if you have access to their email accounts, you have access to their attention. And in a world where someone’s attention is in high demand and getting pulled between all the different businesses out there.
Directly in front of your audience is where you want to be.
Did you know 99% of people check their email daily.
That means there is a significantly greater chance of having your content read via email, then any other platform. So you don’t have to rely on your audience to stumble across an advertisement, or see a social media post at the correct time. While these are still great ways to get your content out there, email is the best way to know if your audience is engaging, and to ensure that they see your content.
Have a new product available? Send an email.
Want your audience to sign up to your signature program? Send an email.
Want your audience to do something… anything? Send an email.
The more you engage with your audience via email, the more likely that they will engage with you, trust you and act when you ask something of them.
Your audience may not react or engage just because you ask them too, but the chances of them doing so are significantly higher than if you don’t.
This is why it is important to nurture your audience via email.
When done right, email truly is one of the best marketing tools any business owner can possess. So do yourself a favour, and utilse yours.
Are you ready to learn how to build your email list successfully? Contact me or keep an eye out for next week’s blog, where I give you the 3 best ways to do so.
Until next time,
Happy Writing!
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I can help you get on top of your email marketing.
Saving you time and effort, better spent on your other priorities.
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Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.
Ready to elevate your content game?
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