How to Use Google Maps to Increase Your Sales & Traffic

Did you know that Google Maps is a simple and easy way to generate more foot traffic into your brick-and-mortar store?

It might seem obvious, but there are many businesses that don’t utilise this simple SEO tool, resulting in them missing out on a lot of potential customers.

Just because your business exists, it doesn’t mean that the people will come. But know there are little tricks to make it easier for them to find you, and one of the best ways to do so is Google Maps.

So how do we do this?

The best way to promote your business via Google Maps, is by making a business profile on Google.

This is a great approach to providing extra information in regard to your business, without needing to have a website. So if your business is strictly online or hasn’t made the move to being online yet, this is a great way to make yourself know to potential people/clients/customers in your local area.

Consider when you travel and you want to know what’s around in each location you visit. You likely google it. The benefit of Google Maps is it will show a localised view of what’s around based on the search terms/keywords used and businesses in your local vicinity.

So be sure to include your business’ address, or if you work from home (for privacy reasons) this can be adjusted to a wider scope (area) rather than a single place.

So once you can start showing up online based on your location, half the battle is won.

The next key element, is showing these potential customers why they should choose you over your competitors, and this can be done by bolstering your Google profile.

When determining which businesses to display on a search, Google will consider, the relevance to the search terms, the distance from the search location and the popularity of the business itself.

So, make sure you fill in all the details. Offer your hours, your services and clearly state in the description, who you are, what you offer and why someone should choose you, over a competitor. Using SEO friendly keywords will help you significantly.

Make sure you also include photos and reviews.

If you’re struggling to get reviews, ask your regular clients or customers to leave you one. Check out my blog Why Testimonials are Important for Business to learn how impactful reviews and testimonials can be for your business.

The more social proof and draw you can include, the more likely you are to capture someone’s attention and get them to choose your business over another.

All in all, if you are looking to increase your foot traffic and boost your sales, then you should consider building a business profile on Google and making sure you are discoverable on Google Maps.

If you are interested in learning other ways to utilise your business’ potential then Contact me today and join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Saving you time and effort, better spent on your other priorities.

Are you ready to take back control of your life, and your time?

Let’s talk today, and see how my services can help you.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Digital Marketer with a focus on Creative Content & Copywriting, who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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