Why Your Headlines Need to Make an Impact

Do your headlines draw your audience in? Do they pique interest? Do they inspire action?

Your headlines have the power to do a lot for your business.

So if you are taking your business seriously, then you should be utilising yours.


Headlines are important for capturing your audience’s attention. With an unlimited amount of content at their fingertips, your audience have plenty of options for what they will consume. So if you want that content to be yours, the best way to start is by using a headline that grabs their attention.

There are many ways to write headlines, just remember to keep it simple and make an impact. Sometimes a few words can create a bigger impact then a whole paragraph, this is especially true when it comes to a headline.

Make it bold and obvious.

Your audience shouldn’t have to second guess what your topic is about, or what they are about to read.

Also consider the fact that people have short attention spans, so if you want your content to stand out, then you must set yourself apart from everyone else.

Ask yourself, what makes what I am writing or creating about different from others? What about my content would people be most drawn to?

Once you have your answer, your headline basically writes itself.


For SEO purposes, your headline, if possible should be exactly what someone would type into a search engine. This is done through the use of relevant keywords. Do your research with a keyword generator, to assess competition. Or use a free online headline analyser tool. These are great for determining the strength and viability of your chosen headlines. These tools are especially handy if you are writing about everyday or common topics, so you can see what phrases have been overused and you can take a different approach when it comes to your content.

As a business owner or content creator, you should know your audience better than anyone. What would make them take action? What would they respond to? What would give them reason to pause? This is how you determine what headlines to use.


The best headlines usually fit into the below categories, but know the possibilities are endless:

·        How to’s

·        Listicles

·        Numbers

·        Questions

·        Direct Headlines

·        Indirect Headlines

·        News Headlines

·        Command

·        Reason why

·        Emotional

·        Word Play

·        Brand

·        The “best” headlines

·        Location specific

·        Challenge



If you’re interested in learning how to spark interest with your headlines, check out my blog, Why your Hook is Key to Your Marketing Success, where I explain the importance of marketing hooks.


If you would like to learn more about writing headlines, or are interested in hiring me as your copywriter, then Contact me today and join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Saving you time and effort, better spent on your other priorities.

Are you ready to take back control of your life, and your time?

Let’s talk today, and see how my services can help you.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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Why Your Hook is Key to Your Marketing Success