How to Create Backlinks to Improve your SEO Ranking

There are many ways to improve your SEO ranking and creating backlinks from other websites is one of the best ways.

Backlinks will help you to generate more traffic, improve your website’s trustworthiness, and its perceived value, as a backlink is essentially another website vouching for yours and your content. The more backlinks you have from a range of different reputable websites, the higher your website will start to rank and the more traffic you will begin to generate.

In last week’s blog, we learnt exactly what backlinks are and why they’re important for your website. If you didn’t read it, check it out here 3 Reasons Why Backlinks are important for SEO and Discoverability. Today I want to explain how to create backlinks to your website to improve your SEO ranking, so let’s get started.

If you want someone to link to your content, then you first need to make sure your website and the content you are producing is SEO friendly.

You can do this by using appropriate keywords and keyphrases, strengthening your headlines and enhancing your readability, to increase your likelyhood of being found in search engines. Check out my blog How to Boost your SEO with the Right Keywords to learn how to do this effectively.

Once you are discoverable, you can then focus on creating backlinks to other websites.

One of the best ways to get backlinks is by simply creating great content, that offers value to someone that they would then naturally want to link to.

There are many types of content that can contain backlinks, and it really comes down to your industry and business type, but the content most likely to be used for backlinks could contain the following;

  • References on how to do something (how to’s, instructables, etc).

  • It could contain valuable information, or expert advice, that someone would want to reference or share, for business, personal or study purposes.

  • Thought provoking content.

  • Or even just content that will make them laugh and want to share it with their audience and friends.

Businesses and people that are the most likely to include backlinks to your content are, bloggers, content creators, marketers, writers, podcasters, someone with a similar business, someone who works in the same industry to you, someone who has used your services or product, or simply someone who likes what you have to say and wants to share it with their audience.

Another way to build backlinks is by reaching out to journalists, podcasters, influencers, marketers, mutual industries and other content creators, to see if they would be interested in publishing your content on their website, or by collaborating with you.

You could make a guest appearance on their podcast, vlog, blog, social media, or whatever they use to interact with their audience. This also has the power to extend your reach and expertise to other platforms, if you aren’t currently on them.

By guest posting, not only will you have the opportunity to create a backlink, but you will generate exposure to the other person’s audience, solidifying your expertise and knowledge in your particular area or industry and extending your business’ awareness and reach.

If you are interested in learning more about how to start creating backlinks to your website, then Contact me today or join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Digital Marketer with a focus on Creative Content & Copywriting, who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


Why Blogging can help your Business Succeed


3 Reasons Why Backlinks are Important for SEO and Discoverability