How to Boost Your SEO with the Right Keywords

Do you have an online business, but just can’t seem to get any organic traffic? Maybe you get the odd visitor every now and then, or if you are getting traffic, you wish you had more? Sound about, right?

That’s okay, we’ve all been there.

Did you know there is a way to dramatically increase your chances of being found by the right people online?

How? By using the right keywords, suited to your business and target market.

To get things started, it’s a great idea to brainstorm all the words that you associate with your business, products, or services. Think about the words and phrases someone would type into a search engine to find your business.

These words are your short (words) and longtail (phrases) keywords and it is very important that you include them on your website.

But once you have them, know that you can’t just “stuff” your website with them and be done with it. It doesn’t work that way. The information still has to make sense, appeal to your visitors, and be relevant to your business.

It’s not helpful to you or your potential traffic if you are trying to rank for popular keywords that have nothing whatsoever to do with your business.

Believe it or not, this does happen, and know if you do it too, it can be harmful to your website, as it will increase your website’s bounce rate, as people discover you are not what they were looking for and will exit your site because of this.

A higher bounce rate makes you rank lower in search engines, so don’t risk it, just stick to relevant keywords.

Plus, you want sales, right? It doesn’t matter if you have a million visitors, the only ones that matter are the ones that engage, the ones that benefit from your business, your services your products, these are your target market, your leads, and they are who you need to focus on to become successful.

When choosing your keywords, not only is the specific keyword itself important, but so is the context it is used in. What does the other information in relation to the keyword being used have to do with the keyword itself? The algorithm takes it all into consideration, so make sure it’s beneficial.

If you’re struggling to come up with keywords that may work for you, you could always try online keyword suggestion tools, such as Google Adwords.

Once you have your list, you should try to narrow it down to the most important and impactful words possible, and to be truly successful, each page on your website, should have its own customised set of keywords.

You should then do some research to check to see how competitive the keywords are... meaning, how many other people are using your keywords on their websites.

I suggest using an online program, like MOZ or Google Keyword Planner to determine this.

The higher the percentage, the harder it will be to rank for that word or phrase.

Generally speaking, you have a higher chance for ranking with “keyword phrases”, rather than just one word, but be sure to use both to increase your likelihood of being found.

Also, don’t spam your keywords and definitely don’t copy and paste them again and again hoping it will increase your chances. Search engine algorithms don’t approve and it will make it much harder for you to rank because of this reason. Plus, it looks tacky, so do yourself a favour and just don’t do it.

Once you have your chosen keywords that you will rank highly for, you will want to include them in the following locations on your website:

  • Title Tag.

  • Meta Description.

  • Header

  • Sub headers.

  • First 100 words of each page

  • Introduction.

  • Internal and external links.

  • Alt Tags.

Remember to revise your keywords often, as the online algorithms change regularly, and other business may start ranking on your chosen keywords, weakening your chances of success.

Until next time,

Happy Writing!

Do you need help improving your SEO and finding which keywords best suit you?

Contact me today or join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Saving you time and effort, better spent on your other priorities.

Are you ready to take back control of your life, and your time?

Let’s talk today, and see how my services can help you.

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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