How to Create a Landing Page that Converts

Is your product or service not selling? Is the percentage of sales to visitors not quite on par? If this is happening to you, know that you’re not alone. Many businesses go through this but there is a way to push past it… and it all starts with your landing page.

Your landing page is the first page your audience comes into contact with. It’s how your product, service or website is introduced to your visitor and while many people simply use their homepage, this doesn’t always work for converting sales.

So let me tell you how you can create a landing page that converts your traffic into viable sales in just a few easy steps.

1 - Make a Dedicated Landing Page.

It you are wanting high-sales and conversion it is important to have a dedicated landing page.

You don’t have to use your home page, in fact you could have multiple landing pages depending on who your audience is and their level of awareness when it comes to your business.

You should have separate pages for different types of audience. For example, if you are trying to sell a product to someone completely new, then you should approach them differently to how you would talk to someone who has already bought from you.

2 - Hide or Remove your Navigational Menu

On your landing page you want to remove or minimise the amount of navigation links available to your visitor. You don’t want them to be distracted, you want them to follow your preset path. The path that leads to a sale.

The only obvious link they should be able to access is your CTA.

3 - Have One Main Goal and CTA

Don’t add too many ideas to your landing page. The whole point is to take your visitor from point A to B.

So simplify your content and just have one main goal and CTA per page. You can reinforce the same CTA in different ways, but only ever have the one action per page.

If you want your page to convert, you need to put your audience on the path you want them to take, don’t give them options as this can just lead to confusion, and increase the chances of them leaving your website.

4 - Use an Outstanding Headline

You need a headline that captures, intrigues and clearly states what your audience can expect from reading further.

5 - Clearly Define the Benefits

What benefits does the visitor receive if they act upon your CTA?

Make the benefits obvious as well as inviting. Why should your audience buy your product or services? Why will it fix, improve, or add to their current life?

6 - Address their Pain Points

The whole point of buying something is to fix a problem, and every problem can be related back to three key elements, Health, Wealth & Love.

What issues are potential buyers having that your product or service could solve of theirs?

Once you know the issue, use it to target your audience.

7 - Social Proof

Add social proof. This can include reviews and testimonials by people who have bought your product before, or previously used your services.

People connect with people, and having someone else recommend buying or using your product or service is the best way to build trust. After all if someone else has had success or seen amazing results, why wouldn’t the potential buyer get the same results?

Check out my blog, Why Testimonials are Important for Business to learn more about how to do this.

So if you are looking to boost your sales with a landing page which converts, I highly recommend incorporating these seven tips.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

If you need help writing your landing page, Contact me today or join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Saving you time and effort, better spent on your other priorities.

Are you ready to take back control of your life, and your time?

Let’s talk today, and see how my services can help you.

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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