Why You Should Choose a Niche
When I first started out copywriting, I truly believed I could help everybody, and while this may be true, and I could certainly try. By not choosing a niche, and trying to help everybody, I wasn’t helping anyone, least of all myself.
What I didn’t realise at first is that by trying to appeal to everyone, to advertise to everyone, I wasn’t truly advertising to anyone.
Let me explain.
While my skills could help anyone, by not singling out a select audience I was getting lost in the crowd of my competition, who were niching.
After failed attempts of trying to put myself out there, I realised I had to work out who my dream client was before I could make any real success and believe it or not… it worked.
That’s how I know it’ll work for you too, no matter your business, product or service.
So how do we choose a niche market?
Tell me who is your business for? Please don’t say everyone… because you’d be doing yourself a disservice. You can open your services up to everyone, but that shouldn’t be your end goal.
What are you passionate about? Who do you want to work with? Who can you help?
If you’re not sure, create yourself an avatar - your dream client. That one person you want to work with or you know would buy your product or service given the chance. This is how we define our niche.
Your avatar:
Who is it?
What do they look like?
Where do they work?
What’s their relationship status?
Do they have kids?
What are their hobbies?
Their pain points?
Their values?
This is what you need to target. So, once you know these things, your job becomes much easier. It may seem a bit strange to create a single person, but trust me, that person is out there, and they need your services. With 8 billion people currently out earth, chances are there is more then just the one that will fit your criteria.
Take “Bob” for instance.
Bob is a man who is a bit down on his luck, he’s been married for almost 20 years and he feels that their marriage after so long is just not as good as it once was.
His boss is an entitled pr*ck, who never pulls his own weight, but is happy to dictate, and is always on Bob’s ass about one thing or another.
Bob’s physique isn’t what it use to be, he’s put on quite a few kilos since he was a star footy player in his younger years.
His kids don’t spend much time with him, always on their phones and computers.
So here Bob sits - right now at home, alone, in front of the TV, feeling sorry for himself, because let’s face it, we all have days like this. He’s scrolling Facebook on his phone, wondering about what else is out there… that’s when he sees it. A post that stops him in his tracks…
What does it say? What would help Bob in his situation? What does your business do that would fix one of his problems? How could you improve his life. Make him happy?
Maybe you’re a football club, looking for adults to join your new team. A bit of fun on a Friday night with the lads.
Maybe you’re a weight-loss company, and you promise to get Bob back into shape, so he can get the attention, he use to get back in his younger days.
Maybe it’s a self-help program, that can show him how to stand up to his boss and get the recognition he deserves. Maybe even that promotion he craves.
His anniversary is coming up maybe its something that can help bring some much needed happiness to his marriage.
There could be a fun activity on this weekend, that he knows his kids would have fun at, and maybe they would appreciate him more.
There could be a million things that Bob could have just seen, so tell me where does your business fit into that?
If Bob is your ideal client, then you now know what drives him, you know what he values, you know what would benefit him.
Therefore, you can target him.
This is why niching is important, if you are just targeting everyone, then you are simply throwing things at the wall waiting for something to stick.
Niching bypasses this, it allows you to immediately advertise to who your services/products will benefit and allow them to find you easily. The more you know about your audience the easier it is to know how to advertise your products to them.
Bob may be make-believe, but there are plenty of people out there that would relate to his issues.
You need to work out exactly what your business can offer someone.
Work out exactly what pain points of theirs your services can fix, and then use it to your advantage.
Until next time,
Happy Writing!
Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.
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