Why Structure and Routine Boost Productivity

Structure and routine play a major role in boosting productivity. By establishing a framework and setting clear boundaries, we are able to prioritize our daily tasks and remain focused on completing them, rather than worrying or procrastinating about the things we haven’t done or think we should be doing instead.

When we have a set routine, our brains adjust to it, setting internal time slots dedicated to specific tasks. This allows us to complete tasks more easily, reduces decision fatigue and minimises procrastination, as we already know what tasks we need to do and when.

As a result, routine and structure can help us to create positive habits in our everyday life and efficiently complete tasks that we may have otherwise prolonged unnecessarily.

And while sometimes it would be easier if a productivity fairy came along and gave us a burst of inspiration and motivation, it’s not likely going to happen without effort on our part first.

I know, I myself have been the queen of procrastination on many occasions, often leaving tasks to the very last minute. I used to tell myself that it’s because I worked better under pressure. But really, I was just bad at setting personal deadlines.

While I may not have it all figured out now, I certainly know that having set times of the week to complete tasks, has helped to increase my personal productivity tenfold… not exaggerating.

I use to think I didn’t have enough time to get things done, so I simply wouldn’t.

Instead of breaking things up into small tasks, larger ones became daunting and were therefore put on the backburner or delayed until the very last second.

All that unnecessary added stress I use to put on myself, when if I had only organised or had some structure, the task would have been a breeze. I would have completed twice the amount of work or more, in the same amount of time and had been happier for it.

Once I decided to take my life into my own hands and set boundaries, routine and structure, tasks became easier, my productivity increased and I started showing up better for the people in my life, as well as for myself.

This is how I know you can too, and you will be grateful that you did.

I recommend starting small and building positive habits into your every day life, this way you don’t throw in the towel from doing too much at once. Remember you’re trying to make positive habits to naturally increase productivity, not warden yourself into strict unrealistic expectations.

  • Start by trying to wake up and go to bed at the same time each day, this will promote better focus and energy throughout the day.

  • Write a list or schedule, and set your tasks according to time or priority, this will help you to focus.

  • Break larger tasks into smaller ones, for example, if you have an assignment due at the end of the week, spent a little bit of time each day, working towards it, rather than leaving it all up to the night before.

  • Take regular breaks, or stop before you run out of steam. Refresh and then jump back in.

  • Designate certain times of the day for different tasks, this could include setting time aside specifically for work, study, fun, exercise, meditation, hobbies and relaxation. A healthy work life balance is key to a happier and healthier life.

Routine and structure not only provide a sense of stability and organisation in our lives but allows us to work more productively and achieve our goals faster, consistently and to a higher standard.

If you’re interested in learning different ways to stay focused on your tasks, then I recommend checking out this blog by Alchemy Natural Health - 5 Tips for Staying Focussed. Written by a Naturopath - it has some great advice, for natural ways to boost productivity and how to stay focused on the task at hand. I have found the Pomodoro Technique she recommends to be very effective.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

If you want to learn more, or need help optimising your website or digital content, Contact me today or join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Digital Marketer with a focus on Creative Content & Copywriting, who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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