3 Valuable Ways to Upgrade Your SEO

What is SEO and why do you need it?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and the quality of your SEO will determine where you show up in search engine results.

With proper SEO, it is possible to show up on page one of a search engine when someone searches for you or related products. However, if your SEO is poor, you may wind up on the very last page or anywhere in between, and with millions of results per search, you don’t want to be just anywhere. You need to be on the first few pages. Because tell me, when you use a search engine, how many pages are you willing to check to find what you need? Usually, you expect to find what you need on the first few pages, right?

So how then, if you are a business do you expect to be profitable if no one can find you because you’re lost in the crowd… on page 30 or 1000 or even 5,000,000?

You could be the best in the world at what you do, but if no one knows, if no one can find you, what does it matter.

That’s what makes effective copywriting and SEO one of the most crucial decisions you can make as a business owner online. And if you’re taking your business seriously, it is something you simply can’t skip out on.

SEO is important for generating leads, funneling traffic and being found by the right people.

The online algorithms are always updating and changing; therefore, your SEO must do so as well.

Do you get much traffic to your site? Is it profitable traffic? Are they converting to paying customers or are they popping in and out like ghosts? Maybe your website is a ghost town majority of the time.

But it looks amazing, you say… You paid a web designer to create the site of your dreams, so why then does nobody seem to stick around, why is there no traffic?

The answer… SEO.

Here are 3 Tips you can use right now to improve your website’s SEO.

  1. Name Your Photos and add ALT description

    The thing about the internet is that it doesn’t know what a photo represents unless you tell it.

    They say a picture paints a thousand words…well that saying only applies to humans. If your picture doesn’t give a clear written description of what it is, then that is a missed SEO opportunity.

    Name your photo, describe what it represents and use relevant keywords. You can even tie it back to your business by including your name on it.

    Statistics show approximately one billion searches a day are made just for images. So, make the most of this and use it as another opportunity to be found by your targeted audience.

  2. Use Headlines Strategically

    The headlines you use for different sections of your website and blogs are important for effective SEO.

    It is best to write exactly what someone would type into a search engine, that way it can be picked up as a direct result, making it as easy as possible for the search engine algorithm to find.

    Just keep in mind that competition can be extremely high with certain headlines, so researching first can help your chances of standing out from the crowd.

  3. Use Appropriate Keywords

    Keywords are a vital part of SEO and your website’s discoverability. These are the words typed into a search engine to find something.

    Including search term appropriate words on your site is a must if you want people to find you.

    That might seem obvious but there are a surprising number of people who don’t actually do this.

    Now that being said, you can’t just throw a bunch of random keywords onto your page in hopes that it will improve your SEO. It needs to make sense, and if you want genuine traffic that will not only visit your page but will convert into sales, then those words need to be relevant to your business and webpage.

    There’s no point in adding keywords about The Kardashians if they are completely irrelevant to your business. They may have a high search demand, but chances are their audience and yours are different.

    Keep in mind the amount of people visiting your page isn’t as important as the amount that stick around because of what you have to say or sell. The traffic that converts, is what really matters, so don’t get caught up in the numbers game. This applies not only to your website but your social media as well.

There are hundreds of things you can do to improve your SEO, and hiring a SEO copywriter is a great way to make sure your site is always at the top of it’s game.

Keep in mind SEO is a long-term game, it’s not a quick fix, but with lots of little changes and time, it will improve your website’s performance dramatically.

Kaeleigh Baxter Creative Copywriter

Hey there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Creative Content & Copywriter who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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