Work/Life Balance: How to Schedule Time for Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Scheduling time for yourself as an entrepreneur may seem counterproductive to your work, but it is essential for maintaining a work/life balance.

Taking a break every now and then also helps to prevent the dreaded “burnout”, which if you’ve gone through burnout before is significantly worse for your production levels then some well-earned scheduled breaks.

Firstly, know that it’s okay to take a break and completely detox if you need to. I know how difficult it can be to separate work and personal life - to actually put my phone and computer away, to not look at my emails and actually take time to live in the present, free of distractions and responsibilities.

And surprise, surprise, when I did just that, the world didn’t end, and I feel so much better as a result. The time away made me more motivated and determined to reach my business goals.

So what is the best way to schedule time for yourself to create an ideal work/life balance?

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is one of the best ways to ensure that your work/life balance, is well, balanced. Just like a regular job, you need to define your work hours, so that it doesn’t eat away at your personal time, and when starting out you may find it hard to draw the line, but trust me when I say, the earlier you can establish your boundaries, the more productive you will be in the long run.

While it’s okay to run overtime if needed, make sure your clients, employees, customers, etc., know when you are or are not available, by setting specific work hours, and avoid answering emails or work-related phone calls during your personal time.

Prioritise Self-care & Establish Routine

Have a set time to complete tasks and ensure you factor in any other commitments. For example, schedule your meetings for the morning, “me time” in the middle and production time for the afternoons, or whatever suits you best.

Go to the gym? Meditate? Walk your dog? Have coffee or lunch plans? Factor it in to your routine. While you may have more freedom than most as your own boss, it’s important to schedule time for yourself. Will you be working with clients all day? Schedule a “me time” break in to do something just for you, whether this is your time to catch up with friends, detox from a busy day, or enjoy a hobby. Just make sure you set some time aside every day, just for you, think of it as your own personal siesta in which you revitalise to finish the day out strong.

Automate & Delegate

Automate your emails and even preschedule your social media marketing posts to free up time. As your business grows you will find you have less time to complete minor tasks that are time-consuming. You can delegate work to a contractor, employee or use an automated system, you could even use a virtual assistant to help make tasks easier, so that you can focus on your priorities.

Set Realistic Goals

There is no point in expected yourself to achieve the impossible, or overloading yourself with unrealistic expectations, it becomes draining, unneccesary, and gives you a one-way ticket to burnout, failure and disappointment.

That’s not to say, don’t aim high… aim for the stars, even further if possible, but don’t expect yourself to “build Rome in a day”.

Avoid the stress, and set yourself realistic, achievable daily & weekly goals.

If a task is going to take a long time to complete, do a little bit each day, rather than waiting until the last minute and becoming stressed. This will help you to distribute the workload and get it done.

Don’t overcommit.

Learn to say no. If an opportunity, project, or commitment doesn’t align with your current priorities or would overwhelm your schedule, politely decline and say no, or schedule it at a later date. Just because you have been asked to do something, doesn’t mean you have to say yes and do the task immediately, this is where asserting your boundaries plays a vital role.

Take Breaks & Schedule Time Off

Regular breaks helps to reduce stress and maintain productivity throughout the day, which in turn helps to reduce burnout and fatigue.

I find that using the Pomodoro Technique, is especially helpful. Learn more about it in my blog “Smash Your Deadlines: Pomodoro Technique”.

Plan for time off, as an avid traveller myself, there is nothing more motivating than working with the knowledge that there is gold at the end of the rainbow, there is a holiday I am working towards, some magical destination to escape to, to detox, revitalise and enjoy myself. It’s certainly a good motivator to get tasks done, by having something to look forward to.

Reach Out

If you are struggling, network and connect with likeminded entrepreneurs who have been through and understand the challenges you are facing. Not only is it a great way to gain support, but they may even be able to offer you first hand tips and advice for ways to overcome your challenges. Plus, it’s a great way to make friends with people who understand your journey.

Remember that maintaining a work/life balance can be challenging is ever ongoing, you may need to revise and adjust accordingly when different situations arise. Just remember to take time out for yourself and find a balance to avoid burnout and maintain productivity.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

If you would like help crafting your schedule, digital marketing strategy, captivating your audience or selling your product or services, then Contact me today or join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Digital Marketer with a focus on Creative Content & Copywriting, who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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