The 8 Do’s and Don’ts of Copy Editing

When it comes to editing your copy, there are some important key aspects to explore, both essential practices and common mistakes to avoid. Your copy should be precise, consistent and coherent.

Here are 8 things to do when it comes to editing your copy, and the 8 things to avoid.

The Do’s of Copy Editing:

  1. Spellcheck - Check for errors in spelling and grammar. Take care to use the right terminology, and extend your vocabulary, use synonyms of words you are using frequently to stop repetitiveness and add variety and interest.

  2. Sleep on it - Before editing your work it is a good idea to step away, as often it can help to rest and come back to your writing with fresh eyes. You will be able to see the work more clearly and pick up on any mistakes.

  3. Read aloud - If you are having trouble picking up on errors, or checking to see if there are any inconsistencies or awkward phrasing, reading your copy aloud can help you pick up on them. Especially seeing as our brains usually process the words, we think are written rather than what actually may be there.

  4. Precision - when it comes to writing copy, keep it precise, each sentence should be impactful and necessary. Delete filler sentences, or if you can say it in less words, do it. Simple is powerful.

  5. Consistency - Be consistent with your tone and style. What is your brand’s voice? Stick to it for all of your copy, this will help maintain readability and professionalism.

  6. Stay on topic - What is the main message you are trying to convey with your copy? Stay focused on the one topic to avoid confusing your audience. Your writing should be concise with an obvious CTA and message.

  7. Verify your facts - If you are writing something that is not your own opinion or relies on facts or statistical evidence then you need to be able to back it up. Accuracy and credibility help to build trust with your audience.

  8. Clarity - Is your copy easy to understand? Does it avoid jargon and complex language that might confuse or deter your audience. Simplify your copy. Using complicated language doesn’t actually make you sound smarter to your audience, especially if they don’t understand what you’re saying.

The Don'ts of Copy Editing:

  1. Don’t rely on spellchecker - While spellchecker can help you find some errors, it doesn’t cover all, and it doesn’t always register the context correctly. Make sure you check it yourself as well, or someone you trust. You could even hire a copywriter to proofread and edit it for you.

  2. Avoid repetition - You don’t need to keep repeating yourself, or saying the same thing over and over, once is enough if you make it impactful.

  3. Avoid plagiarism - Don’t copy other people’s work or take credit for what isn’t yours. Be authentically you.

  4. Don’t edit as you go - Focus on getting your message out completely before you go back and edit it. This will ensure you don’t forget what you were going to say or lose momentum.

  5. Don’t “word stuff” - Don’t fill your copy with unnecessary words just to build up the word count. It’s frustrating for the audience to have to sift through pages of information, when the same information could be refined into a few paragraphs.

  6. Don’t rush - Don’t rush the editing process, it is an important aspect of producing quality copy. Carefully revise your work before publishing.

  7. Don’t avoid feedback - Take constructive criticism onboard as a way to improve your work. Listen to what your audience is telling you and use it to improve your copy.

  8. Don’t neglect punctuation - Punctuation was designed to help a reader grasp what is being said, the way that it was intended. Use punctuation correctly to clearly communicate your message.

Editing is an important aspect of writing copy. By following these do’s and avoiding the don’ts, you will be able to create compelling content for your audience, whoever they may be.

Until next time, Happy Writing!

If you are interested in hiring me as your copywriter to help you level up your copy, then Contact me today or join The Digital Branding Journey, where I will deep dive into your business and help you to generate leads, increase your traffic and build your brand through engaging creative content.

Hi there! I’m Kaeleigh, a Digital Marketer with a focus on Creative Content & Copywriting, who helps business owners and entrepreneurs generate leads, increase traffic and build their brands through engaging creative content.


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